From Monday, fully vaccinated adults are going to get a lot of new freedoms. Mr Perrottet has announced several major departures from the previous plan. In his COVID update he announced major changes to the NSW roadmap. NSW has 587 new cases in the 24 hours to 8:00pm, as the new NSW premier announced “major changes” to the state’s plan out of COVID-19 lockdown.
What You Need To Know About The Major Changes to the NSW Roadmap;
- The number of adults allowed to gather in homes is being upped from 5 to 10, excluding children.
- 30 adults allowed to gather in public spaces (was 20).
- The cap of people at weddings and funerals is being lifted from 50 to 100.
- Indoor pools are reopening.
- 5km radius for travel will be lifted.
- Masks continue to be mandatory for all indoor settings, but not outdoors.
- Up to 500 people for ticketed, seated outdoor public gatherings.
- A ban on singing at religious services will also be tweaked, with performers — including choirs of up to 10 people being permitted.
The Monday after NSW reaches 80 per cent double-dose of the vaccine further restrictions will be eased.
Mr Perrottet also announced changes to those restrictions, which are expected to come into effect on the 25th Oct. These include:
- Making face masks in office buildings optional
- An increase in the number of adults allowed to gather in homes to 20
- The number of adults allowed to gather in public spaces will be raised to 50
- 3,000 people to be able to attend ticketed outdoors events.
The return of students to on-site learning in NSW’s lockdown areas will be brought forward with all children being back at school by the 25th October, 2021. Students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 12 students will still return on October 18.
We’re thrilled to hear about the COVID update and major changes to the NSW roadmap. This certainly bring exciting opportunities for our Artists to get back into the events industry. If you have any questions or would like to know more about our artists you can Contact Us or find out more about our Artists here.